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Yabous Cultural Center, Jerusalem, shut down by Israeli police

On Monday August 28, 2017, Israeli police and intelligence forces stormed Yabous Cultural Center located in Al-Zahara Street. The Center was forcibly shut down by Israeli forces in Occupied East Jerusalem on the excuse of banning a lecture about Al-aqsa mosque. The Occupation Forces closed the Center between the hours of 16:00 and 22:00. The Civic Coalition for […]

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People in defense of their homes and homeland

Friday 25th of August, al Walaja has continued its resistance to defend its existence with a mass protest to protect their homes from Israeli demolition. Hundreds of Palestinians gathered after Friday prayers at the village mosque, west of Bethlehem city. The protesters marched towards one of the homes threatened with demolition in Ain Juwaiza area and […]

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French appeal to AXA: Stop investment in Elbit Systems and Israeli banks!

70 french organizations, associations, parties and unions have published  a call to AXA to respect international law and cut ties with Israel’s colonial and apartheid policy. Through its subsidiary, AB, AXA maintains investments in Elbit Systems, a major Israeli weapons manufacturer accused of providing the illegal white phosphorus containing shells used by the Israeli army […]

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200+ Latin American Orgs Urge Mexican Multinational Cemex To End Complicity In Israeli Crimes

Over 200 Latin American organizations, coalitions, social movements and personalities published a July 9 letter addressed to the Board of Directors of Cemex, the Mexican multinational company, calling on it to end the company’s complicity in Israel’s human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory. July 13, 2017, Occupied Palestine — More than 200 Latin American organizations, […]

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Khirbet Tana – a silenced struggle against expulsion

Khirbet Tana has been under Israeli attack for long in the attempt to expel the Palestinian population from their lands and colonise the areas with settlements. Challenging Israeli home demolition, residents have taken to reform and inhabit caves and are leading an inspiring struggle for dignity and rights. Representatives from the Land Defense Coalition spent […]