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New impulse for the #StopElbit campaign from France

As every year, BDS France protested Elbit System’s presence at France’s biggest military exhibition. The action took place by the Elbit Systems stall on Saturday 24, June, during the Paris Air Show. Elbit Systems is one of the main profiteers from Israel’s apartheid Wall and wars against the Palestinian people and exports this expertise around […]

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Sumud Freedom Camp – our steadfastness continues

With the passing of World Refugee Day on June 20th, we remember the Palestinian refugees both within the occupied territories and those dispersed around the world. At the same time resistance against the ongoing Nakba – the destruction of our homes and villages to dispossess and exile us – continues. The Sumoud Freedom Camp in […]

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#dignitystrike: Strike suspended after 41 days

After 41 days, the Palestinian Committee of Prisoners’ Affairs and Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) put out a joint statement that ‘Freedom and Dignity’ hunger strike has been suspended after more than 20 hours of negotiations. Palestinians have taken to the streets celebrating and singing in disbelief. It is still un-clear what the hunger strikers and […]

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#dignitystrike: Second youth killed

Today marks the 32nd day of the freedom and dignity strike. As the hunger striking prisoners hold out – people in Palestine are being killed at checkpoints and on the streets. During a march in solidarity with the hunger strikers that ended at Huwara checkpoint, Muataz Hussein Hilal Bani Shamsa, 23, from Beita (Nablus district) […]

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BDS: Upholding our Rights, Resisting the Ongoing Nakba

The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) calls on people of conscience the world over to further intensify BDS campaigns to end academic, cultural, sports, military and economic links of complicity with Israel’s regime of occupation, settler-colonialism and apartheid. This is the most effective means of standing with the Palestinian people in pursuing our […]

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#dignitystrike: Growing protests support the hunger strikers

As 1,600 Palestinian political prisoners enter into day 25 of their freedom and dignity hunger strike their health is quickly deteriorating and tensions on the ground are increasing. This afternoon in solidarity, approximately 1000 men, women and youth gathered and peacefully marched towards the checkpoint close to the DCO offices and Ofar detention center. Again like […]

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Bardala marches for the Right to Water

Israeli repression, which had prevented people from holding the ‘Right to Water’ march last weekend, could not stop Palestinian popular resistance and their struggle for water and rights. After Israeli forces had raided last week Baldara village, turning off the water supply and closing off the roads to impede the Right to Water march, Israeli […]