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Freedom&Dignity hunger strike: Stand in Solidarity

As political prisoners enter day 14 of the 'Freedom & Dignity' hunger strike they are still being refused their rights and basic needs. Prisoners are being put into solitary confinement, denied legal representation and personal belongings have been confiscated. The prisoners have also reported that salt has been confiscated which they use to consume with […]

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Join our march for the Right to Water

Tomorrow the people of Bardala village, men, women, children, and animals will march to Road 90, the main road in the Jordan Valley, carrying the slogan of ‘Depriving us of Water is a Crime Against Humanity’ and ‘We are Here to Take Back our Water’. They are determined to fight for the right to water […]

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Women in Palestine, as anywhere across the globe, are subjected to and daily resisting an intricate, mutually reinforcing web of state, social, economic and domestic violence and oppression, continuously violating their rights. The burden of Israeli occupation weighs therefore on many more layers on the daily lives of Palestinian woman than their male counterparts. The […]

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Workers struggles in Tulkarem settlement factories

2016 has seen two important – and victorious – labour struggles in the settlement factories in Tulkarem. This article tells their story and gives the background of systematic exploitation and oppression of the workers by the Israeli apartheid system and its industries. We are tell below about the ongoing struggle of the Palestinian workers, especially […]