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Bullets Against Protest Camp

  Monday at 10 o`clock Israeli soldiers came and violently destroyed the demonstration camp at Abu Dis. Rubber bullets were shot, and tear gas, sound bombs and pepper spray was thrown at the unarmed civilians. Five people were arrested, and three were injured.  Watch the video here    Want to remove them from their land […]

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Job announcement: LDC international outreach coordinator

Job Title: Land Defense Coalition international outreach coordinator Contract: Full time Hours: 40 hours per week Salary: to be determined Expected start date: April 2015   To apply, please send a CV (in English) and cover letter (in English and your mother tongue) and details of at least one referee to coord.stw@gmail.combefore March 02, 2015.     Overall responsibilities:   Main […]

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Colonization at Full Speed

  Colonization of Palestine is accelerating. Everywhere new settlements, or colonies, grow up like mushrooms in a damp forest.   Colonists in majority In Salfeet area there are now 19 Palestinian villages and 25 Israeli colonies. A new road between the colonies and the other side of the Green line is only for Israelis. According […]

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Israel Wants To Bulldoze The Area

For over a week Palestinians have come together to oppose the forcible relocation of the Bedouins in areas around Jerusalem. Now they face a new challenge. One of the following days, the Israeli government will bulldoze the protest camp and the surrounding area.  Watch the video     Israel will level the ground  They don`t […]

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Independent Palestinian New Unions

To all international Trade Union solidarity activists and friends of Palestine!
 How can you run an effective Trade Union Confederation without training in Trade Union matters and without money? You can, but it is hard. Especially if you want to organize Palestinian rank and file workers in an independent grassroot movement, under occupation and colonization, […]

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Israel Destroyed Their Camp

Earlier today, Israeli military forces came with their bulldozers and destroyed their protest camp. This is the fifth time is has been destroyed. Watch the video   The camp was built to resist the forced expulsion and displacement of the Bedouin communities residing in the E1 Area. Despite the fact that it is the fifth […]

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BNC letter to the Greek people

Occupied Palestine, February 9 2014   The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the broad coalition of Palestinian civil society organisations that works to support the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement is following with solidarity the latest developments in Greece and want to congratulate Syriza for the victory in the recent elections. […]

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Warm Welcome To A Hero

All the neighborhood are present. The street is embellished with flags and banners. Family, friends, and neighbors are gathered. They are waiting for a hero.  Watch the video   Food is being prepared. Drums sounds between the stone walls and can be heard from a long distance. More people gathers in the street. 23 years old […]