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Israel arrests 300 Palestinians including 30 children inside the Green Line

7 7 2014, Israeli forces arrested more than 50 Palestinians during the demonstrations that started in the towns inside the Green Line. These demonstrations came as a rejection of occupation's crimes against Palestinian people, and the most recent crime which is burning the child Mohammed Abu Khudair,16-year-old, alive in occupied Jerusalem. Clashes erupted in Nazareth, […]

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Stop Israeli Impunity

Stop the Wall Campaign strongly condemns the massive military onslaught by Israeli Occupation Forces. Over the past two weeks, more than 500 Palestinians have been arrested; six have been shot dead by Israeli forces; air strikes have bombarded Gaza; our homes, cities and refugee camps have been invaded every night; and our freedom of movement […]

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Attacks of occupation and its settlers in May 2014

The occupied Palestinian territories witness  a continuous violations by the occupation and its settlers, without any regard for international laws or human rights, continues attempts to implement its colonial plan of ethnic cleansing, seizure of land, and building and expanding settlements.   May 2014 has witnessed  the death of three Palestinians, Nadim Nawara, Mohammad Abu […]

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Attacks of occupation and its settlers in May 2014

The occupied Palestinian territories witness  a continuous violations by the occupation and its settlers, without any regard for international laws or human rights, continues attempts to implement its colonial plan of ethnic cleansing, seizure of land, and building and expanding settlements.   May 2014 has witnessed  the death of three Palestinians, Nadim Nawara, Mohammad Abu […]

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Judaization of Jerusalem never stopped since 47 years .. The result is 60 thousand settlement units

8 6 2014, a Palestinian activist in Jerusalem said that the Israeli occupation authorities continued to work day and night on the Judaization of occupied East Jerusalem since it was occupied 47 years ago, and did not stop even in the period of negotiations, which witnessed a halt on settlement construction.  Muaath Zaatri, the director […]

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Activist Denied Entry to Palestine

(01/06/2014) Israeli authorities have frequently denied entry to those travelling to the Occupied Palestinian Territories, issuing a ban that prevents them from entering Israel for ten years.  On the 30th of May 2014, Rachelle Friesen, a long standing supporter of Palestinian rights, was denied entry at Ben Gurion Airport. After being detained for 13 hours […]