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From Diversity to Racial Segregation and Domination: Palestinians in Jerusalem (1948 – present)

Commemorating the Palestinian Nakba at 66, we are sharing — attached —  the Fact Sheet entitled:   From Diversity to Racial Segregation and Domination:  Palestinians in Jerusalem (1948 – present) (Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem, 15 May 2014)   This fact sheet revisits the experience of Palestinians in Jerusalem (West and East) since […]

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Report of settlers attacks for April 2014

With all the world watching crimes of the Israeli occupation and settlers against the Palestinian people continue, April 2015 witnessed settlers' uprooting and cracking 729 fruit trees, and abusing Palestinians and their property in various forms.  The months of the useless negotiations between the Israeli and Palestinian parties under the supervision of America, didn't manage […]

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Israeli state water company loses Portugal deal and faces global protests

– Announcement follows similar decisions by authorities in Argentina and Netherlands – Actions against Mekorot held across 12 countries Lisbon’s water company EPAL has announced that it terminated a technology exchange deal with Israeli state water company Mekorot following protests over Mekorot’s role in Israel’s ‘water apartheid’ over Palestinians. Portuguese MPs and campaign groups had […]

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Fighting for workers’ rights in Tulkarm

2242014 The area of Tulkarm has become synonymous for the number of recycling plants established within the occupied West Bank. The Nitzanei Shalom settlement industrial zone, which Israeli’s refer to as ‘Buds of Peace’, built upon the town of Tulkarm in the early eighties had previously been confiscated by military order, taking thousands of acres […]