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PA repression stokes the fires of Palestinian discontent

The violent repression of demonstrations in Ramallah on Saturday 30th June and Sunday 1st July by Palestinian Authority police demonstrates the increasing unpopularity of the PA's commitment to negotiations and normalisation with the Israeli occupation. After 20 years of failed negotiations, it is impossible to explain the rationale of talks while Israel accelerates the ethnic […]

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Palestinian Authority police brutality against anti-Mofaz protests

For two consecutive days, EU and US-trained Palestinian Authority (PA) police and un-uniformed thugs attack Palestinians protesting against the invitation of Israeli war criminal Shaul Mofaz to Ramallah. Saturday 30th June started as a protest against the invitation of Palestinian Authority (PA) president Mahmoud Abbas extended to former Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) Chief-of-Staff and former […]

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Play satirizes how aid donors sideline Palestinians (Courtesy of The Electronic Intifada)

A political talk show sets the stage for House of Yasmine (“Beit Yasmine” in Arabic), a play produced in collaboration between the Ashtar Theatre of Ramallah and the Al-Harah Theatre of Jerusalem. The story unfolds as the play’s characters, led by human rights worker Yasmine, discuss the Palestinian Authority’s 2011 bid for statehood at the United Nations and then turn to audience members to ask for […]

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In response to the coup of the Colorado Party against Fernando Lugo, the President of Paraguay. Tuesday 26th June 2012

Elected pledging to hand over large swathes of land to the landless peasants of one of the most impoverished countries in Latin America, Lugo offered a challenge to the 70 year rule of the Colorado Party, and the interests of the business oligarchy who have subjected the country, and indeed the whole continent, to their […]

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Voluntary Work in Dura al Qare’

Around 80 volunteers attended a day of environmental and solidarity activities, organised by Stop the Wall, in the village of Dura al Qare’ in Ramallah district. The volunteers cleaned the water springs of the village and helped farmers irrigate their crops. The village is located just to the north of Ramallah city and has seven […]