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In Jenin, The Grassroots Campaign to Boycott Israel Responds to the Crimes of Occupation By Boycotting Israeli Products

Dozens of young men toured Jenin streets of Jenin city and its markets on Saturday, August 13, 2011. Grouped under the framework the Grassroots Campaign to Boycott Israeli Goods and with participation from representatives of national parties, demonstrators chanting slogans that urge citizens to boycott all Israeli goods entered shops and spoke to citizens and […]

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Boycott Campaign in Bethlehem Speaks to Mosque Goers

The Palestinian Grassroots Anti-apartheid Wall Campaign organized extensive campaigns to boycott products of occupation. The activity started at 5 am on Friday at the northern checkpoint of Bethlehem that leads to Jerusalem. The activists have focused on reaching those going to pray in Jerusalem. The campaign included the distribution of posters with the message that […]

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The Enterprise of Declaring a State

A number of Palestinian civil society organizations and networks have released a document that is the result of long discussions regarding possible Palestinian statehood in September 2011. This group of civil society organizations has met with progressive political parties in Palestine and also with the Palestinian human rights council to discuss the Palestinian Authority's (PA) […]

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In solidarity with our Norwegian friends

Last week, dozens of people, including youth, were killed in Norway. The deaths were the result of a brutal attack by one individual, Anders Behring-Breivik. Immediately, we at Stop the Wall acted in solidarity with the victims, their family, and the nation of Norway by sending the following letter. Each day since the attack we […]

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Seizing on Agrexco’s financial woes, campaigners vow to eject Israeli exporter from Europe

For Original Press-release, Click Here. Facing a bankruptcy hearing in a Tel Aviv court Tuesday, Israeli export company Agrexco has been beset by bad headlines in recent months. Now its problems look set to worsen, after Palestinian solidarity groups from across Europe joined forces to escalate a boycott campaign. A new coalition on Thursday promised […]

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Demonstration in al-Walaja Village Against Further Construction of the Wall

Later that evening, 150 demonstrators marched toward the apartheid wall on al-Walaja lands, in the west Bethlehem district. They tried to reach the isolated lands where Occupation bulldozers are currently working on constructing a new section of the Apartheid Wall. The demonstration, which was organized by Stop The Wall Campaign and the “Welcome to Palestine” […]