Alstom: Building the infrastructure of the occupation

Alstom is a French multinational company profiting directly from Israel’s occupation of the Palestinian territory. Alstom is a major partner in the Jerusalem Light Rail, a project that will help to cement Israel's hold on occupied East Jerusalem and tie the surrounding settlements even more firmly into the State of Israel. The JLR project has […]

Stop EU research funding for Elbit, IAI and other Israeli companies!

Stop the Wall has submitted a contribution to the EU consultation on its research policy in which it has denounced the funding of Israeli companies – and in particular Israeli companies involved in the construction of the Apartheid Wall – through European Union research programs. The EU is running currently its Seventh Framework Programme (FP7), […]

Report: Brazil’s military ties with Israel (English and Portuguese)

This 31 pages report details the active support of the Brazilian state for the Israeli arms industry as well as the Israeli interests in and profits from Brazil’s military and defense industry.  It finally confronts these realities with the framework of economic, legal and political interests and obligations of Brazil.   The report is available below in English […]

The Apartheid Wall (updated 2010)

The Apartheid Wall fact sheet provides basic information about the Wall, including location and costs as well as how the Wall is part of a network, which includes checkpoints, tunnels and settler roads. The fact sheet also explains the ghetto system and the position of the international community. It concludes with the repression of popular […]

Israeli Apartheid is Violence Against Women

This fact sheet revolves around the stories of women working in a variety of capacities against the Wall in their villages. The aim of the fact sheet is to introduce the struggles of five villages, Bil’in, Ni’lin, al Nabi Saleh, al Ma’sara and al Walaja, against the Wall and settlements. We hope that this fact […]

Report: Olive Harvest 2010

The olive harvest ended this year, and as in other seasons, both farmers and the land they own faced continuous attacks from Occupation forces and settlers. This season’s assaults were distinguished by their ferocity, occurring in the shadow of the failing negotiations between the Occupation state and the Palestinian Authority. The Occupation plans of continuing […]

Report: People versus Oppression

In 2009, Stop the Wall and Addameer released a report entitled RepressionAllowed, Resistance Denied, which detailed the repression of Palestinian human rights defenders active against the Wall since 2002. Following up this report, Stop the Wall published a shorter update in the summer of 2010, covering March – June 2010 and detailing how Occupation forces […]

Olive Harvest 2009 – Stop the Wall report and analysis

Download the Olive Harvest Report 2009. This year’s harvest was weaker than years’ prior, and alongside the low level of rainfall and hot weather, Occupation policy was a key factor. The olive trees bear less fruit after farmers have been expelled from the land and are prohibited from plowing and maintaining it. Settlers, who light […]

Não ao TLC Mercosur Israel

Documento em anexo abaixo aponta razões que deveriam levar País a não ratificar esse acordo, fundamentadas nos direitos humanos. Ulteriores argomentos estão listados abaixo.   I. Sumário:   Israel viola constantemente a lei internacional e os direitos humanos A ocupação sionista dos territórios palestinos, a construção de assentamentos ilegais e do muro do apartheid, o […]