Colonization at Full Speed

  Colonization of Palestine is accelerating. Everywhere new settlements, or colonies, grow up like mushrooms in a damp forest.   Colonists in majority In Salfeet area there are now 19 Palestinian villages and 25 Israeli colonies. A new road between the colonies and the other side of the Green line is only for Israelis. According […]

The Resistance Continues

Along with the International Campaign to Stop the Jewish National Fund, Stop The Wall Campaign, the Palestinian Farmers’ Union, the Land Defense Coalition and the municipality of Aqraba organized a day of voluntary work to plant olive trees in Khirbet Twaiel, east of Aqraba in Nablus district. Khirbet Twaiel is targeted for destruction and evacuation […]

New massive land grab in Bethlehem

The Israeli Civil Administration announced on  Sunday, August 31th  the planning takeover of almost 4000 dunums  (approx. 1000 acres) in the area near to Betlehem. This is the biggest land confiscation in one announcement in the last 30 years.   This massive appropriation affects five Palestinian villages called Jaba, Surif, Wadi Fukin, Husan and Nahalin. […]

Israel approved building of more than 2,800 housing units and over 1000 trees uprooted in March.

2042014 Although negotiations continue between the Palestinian and Israeli sides, there has been no change on the daily practices Israeli government and settlers implement in the occupied territories. Reports indicate that, in March, the Israeli government approved the building of 2840 housing units in the city of Jerusalem and the rest of the West Bank. The […]