Dozens of Suffocation Cases Caused By Occupation Suppression of the Nilin Village Weekly Protest

The villagers of Nilin had conducted Friday prayers on their land near the Apartheid Wall. During the sermon, Murad Amira Al-Khatib mentioned the need to close ranks in the face of Occupation and called for the expeditious implementation of the reconciliation agreement. After finishing the prayer, dozens of citizens and foreign peace activists marched peacefully, […]

Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update – April 24

Bil’in 15 demonstrators were injured today, including solidarity activists and a journalist. There were also dozens of cases of severe asphyxia as a result of inhaling the tear gas in clashes that took place in the village of Bil'in, after Occupation forces suppressed the central march against the Wall and the settlements in the village […]

Weekly Anti-Wall Protest Update – February 11

Ni’in: Dozens suffer from gas inhalation as protestors hail the Egyptian revolution Nearly 400 demonstrators prayed on the land near the Apartheid Wall in Ni’lin this Friday. The weekly sermon called for an end to Palestinian internal divisions and saluted the Egyptian revolution, emphasizing that the Palestinian people stand with their Egyptian brothers. The march […]