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Wadi al Ahmar destroyed at dawn – #KhanalAhmar still resists

This morning over 200 Israeli soldiers arrived with their weaponry and bulldozers to destroy the new neighbourhood of Khan al Ahmar, called Wadi al Ahmar. At dawn, the Israeli occupation forces came and surrounded the entire area. They threatened and intimidated the 200 residents of Khan al Ahmar and the some 100 activists from across […]

Posted inArab al-JahalinArab al-JahalinArab al-JahalinArab al-JahalinArab al-JahalinArab al-Jahalin

Khan al Ahmar’s resistance rises!

After Israeli courts have decided on the imminent destruction of Khan al Ahmar, the Palestinian Bedouin community located East of Jerusalem, popular resistance is building to defend the community.  Today, some 600 people from all across the West Bank have been gathering in Khan al Ahmar to pledge they will stand together with the Arab […]

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Joint Struggles against Militarization, from Latin America to Palestine

On Friday, July 27, in Rio de Janeiro, a full day of initiatives against militarism in Latin America is being organized under the title “United Struggles Against Militarization, from Latin America to Palestine”. The day starts with a Public Hearing, which will include four panels with interventions from human rights organizations, social and anti-militarist movements, […]