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Global solidarity exposes “disengagement” as strengthened Zionist colonization

All over the world, activists have been working to make the voice of the Palestinian people heard over the mass media deceit regarding the reality on the ground in Palestine. They have spoken out between the colorful headlines of the “disengagement” news that not only forgot the ongoing land grab, ghettoization and ethnic cleansing in […]

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Trail of destruction as confiscations continue in east Abu Dis and Eizarya

Sections of the Apartheid Wall surrounding Abu Dis and Eizarya from the north and east have already been completed. Occupation Forces have now undertaken construction of the eastern segment of the Wall which will ensure the villages are encircled, totally isolate Palestinians from their capital, and annex Palestinian lands directly to the east. In Eizarya […]

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Lives of Hundreds of Palestinian Bedouins Threatened to Build Eastern Segment of the Apartheid Wall

***image2***The construction of the Apartheid Wall is entering its third phase of land confiscation and imprisonment of Palestinians. From the far north of the Jordan Valley down to its reaches in the south, Occupation Forces will forcibly remove hundreds of Palestinian Bedouins who have inhabited these lands for centuries, isolating 22,000 dunums behind the Wall […]

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The Call to Free Palestine Stops Apartheid Israel’s Cricket Team!

Under the slogan of “Don’t Play with Israeli Occupation Troops”, Scottish protestors boycotted the July 30th cricket match between Gibraltar and Apartheid Israel to draw international attention to the intrinsic link between the Zionist regime’s sports teams and its policies of occupation, colonization, and ethnic cleansing. Prior to the Israel-Gibraltar game, protesters rendered the cricket […]

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Villages in Salfit District Join Forces to Protest Apartheid Wall

***image2***Hundreds of demonstrators marched through the village of Azzun in a large protest organized by the Salfit District general committee against the construction of the Apartheid Wall. Protestors joined forces to send out a clear message that the Apartheid project and Occupation will never defeat them. Villagers from surrounding areas met at the Azzun village […]

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Bedouin Expulsion in the Jordan valley underway

***image2***In the north of the Jordan valley, more than 300 Palestinian families (including the Daragma, Herini, Milhim and Abu Amer) are set to forced to leave their lands by the Occupation. These Bedouin families live in the Malleh, Samrah and Helwah areas in the north east of Tobas city. They depend on the produce from […]

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Massive Confiscation Orders in Bethlehem Prepare Path for Zionist Objective of “Greater Jewish Jerusalem”

***image2***Since July, confiscation orders have been distributed in large scale in west Bethlehem and north Hebron. Within three weeks, six confiscation orders were given that together will create a half circle to isolate west Bethlehem from the city of Bethlehem. In Khader, the Wall will be 10 km long and will confiscate approximately 1000 dunums […]

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Presbyterian Church Divestment Targets Four Multinationals!

On the 5th of August 2005, the Presbyterian Church entered the next phase of its divestment process from Israeli and multinational companies supporting Israeli policies. The Mission Responsibility through Investment (MRTI) Committee of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) published its divestment list that singles out Caterpillar, ITT Industries, Motorola and United Technologies as concrete measures towards […]