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In Response to Israel’s Latest Massacre in Gaza: Arms Embargo Now!

  Last Friday, Israel yet again used Palestinian civilians as guinea pigs in its weapons laboratory, testing its new teargas-firing drones against civilians in Gaza. The export of Israeli military technology, “field-tested” on Palestinians, contributes substantially to financing Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and military aggression against other nations. The BDS National Committee welcomes the recent […]

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Palestinian BDS National Committee Celebrates International Women’s Day

The Palestinian BDS National Committee celebrates International Women's Day, says "Justice is always a feminist issue. And in turn, justice in Palestine is a feminist issue, and the rights of women are fundamental to our movement’s pursuit of a safe, just and dignified world for all." The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC) […]

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Bilin’s protests at 13: the struggle continues

Today, the village of Bil’in has marked 13 years of popular struggle against Israel’s apartheid Wall and its regime of apartheid, colonialism and occupation. Activists have staged a mass protest challenging the Wall on its lands and calling for BDS. At noon time around one thousand Palestinian and international activists gathered in a protest called […]