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Buenos Aires Rallies Against the Apartheid Wall

On November 9, activists in Buenos Aires organized in protest of Israel’s Apartheid Wall as part of the Palestinian National and International Call for Action. ***image2***A significant crowd mobilized in front of the United Nations Building to demand justice by bringing an end to the Occupation and the Wall. Powerful speakers, information-sharing and solidarity marked […]

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Demonstrators in Scotland Demand an End to Israeli War Crimes and the Apartheid Wall

On November 9, in solidarity with the Palestinian grassroots National and International Call to Action, The Palestine Solidarity Campaign in Edinburgh, Scotland stood firm on their stance that the Israeli Apartheid Wall must end by gathering for protest, street theater and information-sharing on the Royal Mile. ***image2***The activists used a giant mock Wall and watchtower […]

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Mobilization at Carleton University Sends a Resounding Message of Solidarity against the Apartheid Wall

On November 9, in a compelling display of solidarity against the Israeli Apartheid Wall, demonstrators from SPHR (Solidarity for Palestinian Human Rights) at Carleton University demanded an end to injustice through protest, rally and education. It is certain that the display will remain etched in the minds of participants and passers-by as a tremendous mock […]

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Manchester Demonstrators Carry their Message to the Streets – “The Wall Must Fall”

***image2***In Manchester on November 9, 2003, the streets were energized in solidarity with the Palestinian National and International Call to Action as demonstrators loudly denounced Israeli’s Apartheid Wall and its policies of Occupation. A mock Wall covered with slogans reading “This Wall Must Fall!” was created out of five banners, each 5 meters long and […]

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In the Netherlands, A Clear Declaration Against Israeli Injustice

On November 9, as mobilization raged worldwide, Stop the Occupation, the Dutch Palestine Committee and the Palestinian community were joined by hundreds in a powerful demonstration against the Israeli Occupation and the Apartheid Wall. ***image2***The manifestation drove a strong message denouncing the Apartheid Wall home with the presence of a physical Wall constructed of steel […]