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Palestinian farmers call to boycott Israeli agribusiness as global protests are staged

Palestinian agricultural organisations today issued an appeal for international civil society to take action to pressure supermarkets and governments to end trade with Israeli companies that operate in settlements, which finances and rewards settlement expansion and other violations of international law. You can read the appeal issued by Palestinian farming organisations and accompanying briefing entitled […]

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Don`t let Palestinian blood run in the open veins of Latin America[1]

Click here for the Spanish version. Click here for the Portuguese version.  Last Sunday, the Summit of the Peoples of Latin America, the Caribbean and Europe came to an end in Santiago de Chile taking place in parallel with the Summit between the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States(CELAC) and the European Union (EU). Movements, unions and organizations from […]

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Third update on the detention of Hassan Karajah

The occupation courts have forbidden Hassan Karajah's lawyer from seeing him until Sunday, February 10 2013. In the meanwhile international pressure is growing. European governments are alerted about the case and international civil society is mobilizing. Amnesty International has released a statement on Hassan Karajah asking their members and concerned citizens to address Israeli authorities […]

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E-action: Immediate release of Hassan Karajah!

In the early hours of Wednesday 23rd January 2013, Israeli Occupation Forces (IOF) arrested Hassan Yasser Karajeh, the Stop the Wall youth coordinator and a well known young human rights defender, violently breaking into his home in the West Bank village of Safa, west of Ramallah. We are gravely concerned to hear reports of Mr […]

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More than 200 Palestinians build the village “Bab Munatir” in the Nablus region

More than 200 Palestinians are building the village “Bab Munatir” in the Nablus region: This morning, more than 200 Palestinian Popular Committees activists started construction of (02.02.2013) the village of “Bab Munatir” on the land of the Munatir area – land threatened with confiscation by the Israeli army of occupation and settlers in the Palestinian […]

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More than 200 Palestinians build the village “Bab Munatir” in the Nablus region

More than 200 Palestinians are building the village “Bab Munatir” in the Nablus region:   This morning, more than 200 Palestinian Grassroots Committees activists started construction of (02.02.2013) the village of “Bab Munatir” on the land of the Munatir area – land threatened with confiscation by the Israeli army of occupation and settlers in the […]

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Más de 200 palestinos construyen la aldea “Bab Munatir” en la región de Nablus

  Más de 200 palestinos están construyendo la aldea “Bab Munatir” en la región de Nablus: Esta mañana, más de 200 activistas de los Comités Populares Palestinos comenzaron la construcción de la aldea “Bab Munatir” en tierra de la zona de Munatir – tierra amenazada de confiscación por el ejército de ocupación israelí y por […]

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Second update on detention of Hasan Karajah

  Today, January 29 2013 the military court of the occupation forces had scheduled their second hearing since the arrest of the human rights defender and Stop the Wall youth coordinator Hassan Karajah. Hassan once again was denied to see either his lawyer or his family and only after Hassan left the court room his […]

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First Update on the arrest of Hassan Karajah

  Hassan Karajah is currently held in the Jalameh Interrogation Center. He has been reportedly beaten by occupation forces and his detention has been extended for 12 days, without access to his lawyer. This morning the Israeli occupation court has held the first of their farcical hearings in the infamous Mascobiyyeh interrogation center in Jerusalem. […]