Invitation Oct 24-26: ‘United in Struggle’ Popular Resistance Conference

The popular committees and the popular resistance networks invite all those that are fighting oppression, discrimination, racism and colonisation across the globe to join us in the ‘United in Struggle’ from 24-26 October in Palestine to build a united front against racism, repression, colonialism, exclusion and exploitation. Let’s join hands in a common struggle for justice […]

Not one step back in the struggle against militarization and for a World without Walls!

As Palestinian grassroots Stop the Wall Campaign we reiterate our solidarity with the Mexican people and all those affected by the US Wall and the Trump administration’s anti-migration policies. The years of joint struggles together with Mexican movements have shown us the atrocious level of necropolitics, that include endless violations of human rights and the […]

Palestinians united in Tantoura on Nakba Day

On May 17, for the 5th year in a row the Land Defense Coalition organized together with the Falestiniyat movement, formed by Palestinians inside the Green Line the commemoration of Tantura Massacre."Everyone felt for one moment that Tantura was liberated that evening and return had been achieved". The march started at the mass grave of […]

2019 – Year for a #WorldwithoutWalls

In Palestine we have already organised a number of protests and activities, resisting Israel’s apartheid Wall and occupation… and this is only the start. We anticipate that Israel, especially in a year of elections and under the unconditional protection of the US administration, will escalate its attacks on our people and our land. Let’s stand together […]