Another element of Israeli Repression

Israeli soldiers break into and ransack PCR/IMEMC Palestinian News office Surveillance video of Israeli soldiers breaking open the door of the PCR/IMEMC Palestinian News Office before they entered and ransacked the offices. Because it happened at 4 AM Sunday morning, 11 October no staff were in the building. Israel has ransacked and taken numerous files […]

Boycott Israel Now! Call from the BDS National Comittee

Whether the current phase of Israel’s intensified repression and Palestinian popular resistance will evolve into a full-fledged intifada or not, one thing is already evident—a new generation of Palestinians is marching on the footsteps of previous generations, rising up en masse against Israel’s brutal, decades-old regime of occupation, settler colonialism and apartheid.    Click here […]

Resistance and Repression in Palestine.

October 7th 2015 – Resistance and Repression in Palestine A brief report. The rebellion unfolding in the West Bank and increasingly across the Green Line is a direct response to Israel’s intensified ethnic cleansing of the Palestinian people and its almost seven decades old regime of occupation, apartheid and settler colonialism. It has seen yet […]