Independent Palestinian New Unions

To all international Trade Union solidarity activists and friends of Palestine!
 How can you run an effective Trade Union Confederation without training in Trade Union matters and without money? You can, but it is hard. Especially if you want to organize Palestinian rank and file workers in an independent grassroot movement, under occupation and colonization, […]

Israel Destroyed Their Camp

Earlier today, Israeli military forces came with their bulldozers and destroyed their protest camp. This is the fifth time is has been destroyed. Watch the video   The camp was built to resist the forced expulsion and displacement of the Bedouin communities residing in the E1 Area. Despite the fact that it is the fifth […]

BNC letter to the Greek people

Occupied Palestine, February 9 2014   The Palestinian Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions National Committee (BNC), the broad coalition of Palestinian civil society organisations that works to support the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement is following with solidarity the latest developments in Greece and want to congratulate Syriza for the victory in the recent elections. […]

Warm Welcome To A Hero

All the neighborhood are present. The street is embellished with flags and banners. Family, friends, and neighbors are gathered. They are waiting for a hero.  Watch the video   Food is being prepared. Drums sounds between the stone walls and can be heard from a long distance. More people gathers in the street. 23 years old […]

Fighting For Their Own Land

They are fighting to preserve the right to their own land in Abu Dis, West Bank. A group of Palestinians are gathered every night to fight for their land. Watch the video   This is the fifth time this week. The fifth time that the people build this small house, with three walls and a […]

International Trade Union Solidarity

For Resistance, Dignity, and a Better Life Trade Unions are an important part of the civil resistance against the Israeli occupation of Palestine and international solidarity is a crucial part of it.  Israeli control Palestine suffers from Israeli restrictions on production, transport, and export and unemployment is a major problem.   Textile workers in a […]

How To Feel Closer To Your Land

  They organize trips for youth to increase the level of awareness of other young people in the same situation. Tijwall Safar is a group, that organize trips for youth at least once a month. The Participants usually comes from all over Palestine. Stop The Wall joined them for one of their trips, where the goal was to […]