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17 universities occupied across England

In response to the destruction of Gaza, students across England have mobilized themselves, occupying university buildings in solidarity with Palestine. Among students’ demands are assistance to Palestinian students, official condemnation of recent attacks and various forms of BDS. Students have been incredibly successful in raising awareness, and a few have led to university administrations heeding […]

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Two homes occupied during Jayyous protest

The weekly Friday demonstration against the Apartheid Wall in Jayyous was once again met with intense repression from Occupation forces. For several hours, soldiers occupied the rooftops of two houses in the village and fired tear gas, rubber bullets and live bullets at the protesters below. At least four people, including one pregnant woman, suffered […]

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Demolition threats in two Bethlehem villages

Occupation forces have issued several demolition orders this January in the Bethlehem district. In addition to a private home in Irtas, the municipal water well in al-Khader has received another demolition order, threatening to seriously damage the village’s water supply. ***image1***In early January 2009, the al-Khader municipality received the second military order requiring the demolition […]

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West Bank protests grow as the massacre in Gaza continues

The entire West Bank was once again mobilized on Friday, with tens of thousands of people coming out to protest the Occupation’s ongoing slaughter of the people of Gaza. Many of the demonstrations were met with intense violence and repression from Occupation forces, resulting in several injuries. ***image2***In Ni’lin, some 300 people participated in the […]