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New Israeli Medical Association boycott website

The Medical Committee for Boycott of the Israeli Medical Association (IMA) has launched a new website. The site contains information, articles and analysis on the Occupation’s use of torture as well as the acceptance by Israeli doctors of this practice. The boycott targets the IMA because it has consistently refused to condemn or issue advise […]

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Demonstrations in Ni’lin continue after a 4 month old baby is injured and a 9 year old shot in the head

On Thursday morning Occupation forces stormed the town in an attempt to suppress protests and intimidate the people of Ni’lin. The military gathered close to the girls’ secondary school and fired tear gas and sound bombs, terrifying the the children. They fired on various homes and directly into the home of Said Salim Khawaje, whose […]

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3 injured from rubber-coated bullets, tens vomit from sewage water sprayed at them in Ni’lin

Although the Occupation forces tried to close the entrance of Ni’lin, locals from surrounding villages and international solidarity activists were still able to attend an anti-Apartheid Wall demonstration in the village. This time the Occupation experimented with new techniques in an attempt to break the demonstration, throwing balloons filled with sewage water and unleashing police […]