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BDS Newsletter #05 – July 2008

BDS NEWSLETTER Edition: 05 – July, 2008 CORPORATE NEWS Feature: Derail Alstom – Saudi Arabia deal The state owned Saudi Electric Company (SEC) has signed a letter of intent to award Alstom a 1.9 billion Euro contract to build a power plant in Shoaiba. French multinational Alstom is a 20% shareholder in Citypass consortium that […]

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Occupation bulldozers blocked once again in Ni’lin

A unity and solidarity demonstration in Ni’lin stopped the Occupation’s bulldozers and prevented them from for hours from carrying out their usual destruction. A central demonstration made up of hundreds of Palestinians and solidarity activists took off from the center of the town of Ni’lin and headed towards the towards the Occupations bulldozers last Thursday. […]

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Ni’lin and people across the West Bank fulfill pledge to Ahmad Mousa: protests continue unabated

On Friday, new faces appeared in Ni’lin to join a demonstration of more than a thousand against the Apartheid Wall. Occupation soldiers shrank from confronting the people, instead vacating the area. Demonstrators then proceeded to tear down two kilometers of fence that had been erected on their land. ***image2***People of all ages marched to the […]

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Ni’lin lays Ahmad Mousa to rest

As the martyrs’ body was taken out of the morgue on the first floor of the Ramallah Public Hospital, the eyes of his family and friends were full of tears and expressions of sadness, anger, and hate. They had come to take the martyr to be buried in the town he died protecting, his hometown […]

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Second youth targeted in two days: Yousef Amira (17) from Ni’lin mortally wounded

The Occupation forces have once again escalated their attempts to suppress the daily demonstrations of Palestinian popular committees and villagers to the construction of the Apartheid Wall. Yesterday evening at around 10 pm, Israeli occupation forces shot two rubber coated bullets into Yousef Ahmad Younis Amira’s head. He is now lying brain dead in the […]