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Norwegian Government Pension Fund and Danish Bank exclude two Israeli Companies

Last Thursday, the 30th of January, the Norwegian Government Pension Fund Global (GPFG) announced its reconsideration over the previous decision made in August 2013, which rescinded the 2010 ban over two Israeli companies, Africa Israel Investments and its construction subsidiary, Danya Cebus. The re-exclusion was made due to “an unacceptable risk of the companies, through […]

Posted inIn Solidarity

Solidarity from the South: The World Social Forum declares its support to BDS and to the Palestinian people

In January, the Brazilian cities of Porto Alegre and Canoas received the Thematic Social Forum whose theme chosen was “Capitalist Crisis, Democracy, Social and Environmental Justice". The event, an icon of the altermundism and of the anti-neoliberal, anti-colonialist and anti – imperialist struggle, is a space for global civil society to organize itself and to […]

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Popular Resistance Activists built the village of Ein Hejleh in the Jordan Valley

The popular resistance activists and political forces built the village of Ein Hejleh on the Church's lands belonging to Hejleh Monastery in the Palestinian Jordan Valley. The campaign aims at standing against the decisions of the occupation to judaize and confiscate the Jordan Vally area, and to revitalizing the Canaanite Palestinian village in the Palestinian […]

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Israeli Court rules to allow settlement highway through Beit Safafa

Update to the Urgent Appeal issued in April 2013 by the Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem (The Appeal, including background, is available at:     On Sunday, 26 January 2014, the Israeli Supreme Court sanctioned completion of the illegal section of the “Begin Highway” that cuts through the Palestinian community of Beit Safafa in occupied […]

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Activities continue planting olive seedlings against the 113 anniversary of the establishment of the Jewish National Fund.

Friday 31 of January, in coordination with the international Stop the JNF Campaign the Union of Palestinian Farmers and the anti-apartheid Wall Campaign planted olive seedlings in the village of Sebastia in Nablus, a continuation of the activities of anti-113anniversary of the establishment of the Jewish National Fund.  The activists of the Farmers Union and […]

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Activists expelled the settler of “Khilt Nahla” outpost and the occupation arrested three of them.

Today the 26th of January, Israeli forces arrested Hassan Briggah, the coordinator of the National Committee Against the Wall and settlements in Bethlehem, and the two children Obada and Harith Briggah 13 years old, after a confrontation with the settlers of "Khilt Nahla" outpost.  Activists smashed the eastern gate of "Efrat" settlement this morning; they […]

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Planting trees named after displaced villages, in the 113 anniversary of the Jewish National Fund

1912014 – In a joint effort with the Stop the JNF campaign, the anti-apartheid Wall Campaign and the Union of Palestinian Farmers planted 113 trees in Al Hamma and Ain Al Beida areas and in the northern Jordan Valley, coinciding with the 113 anniversary of the establishment of the Jewish National Fund. This event was […]

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Popular resistance activists close Eli Azar settlement Gate

13/1/2014, A group of Palestinian resistance activists closed Eli Azar settlement Gate this morning, which is one of the Gosh Atzion settlments compound, built on Bethlehem land.   Stop the Wall coordinator, Mohammad Brejieh said '' about 35 palestinian and solidarity close Eli Azar settlement Gate, which made a traffic jammed and stooped the settlers movement, that […]