Posted inFrom Palestine

Israeli forces prevented the residents of Jeb El Theeb from accessing their lands.

  January 7, 2014 Israeli occupation forces prevented the citizens of Khirbet Jeb El Theeb east of Bethlehem, and a group of activists from reaching their lands that have been threatened with confiscation for 13 years; during the Million Tree program titled "Home Seedlings" that is lead by the Palestinian Farmers Association and the anti-apartheid […]

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An obituary to Sharon – a mastermind of massacres and apartheid maps

Ariel Sharon – the ‘butcher of Sabra and Shatila’ – is dead. Unfortunately his legacy still lives on. While Israeli main media outlets unanimously praise the ‘national hero’, for the Palestinian and Arab people, it’s truly time for mourning. Hardly anyone in the Israeli leadership evokes so much pain in their collective memory.   Sharon’s […]

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FoEI statement on water apartheid in Palestine

December 24 2013 – Friends of the Earth International stands in solidarity with its member PENGON/Friends of the Earth Palestine and the Palestinian people in their struggle for their right to live in dignity and exercise sovereignty over their land and natural resources, including access to fresh water. Many communities in the Occupied Palestinian Territories […]

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Second-largest Dutch pension fund manager PGGM withdraws all investments from Israeli banks over settlement activities

PRESS RELEASE AL HAQ Al-Haq welcomes the decision by PGGM, the second-largest pension fund manager in the Netherlands, to withdraw its investments from five Israeli banks involved in financing activities related to the settlements located in Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT). Al-Haq further welcomes the decision of the Stichting PensioenfondsZorg & Welzijn (PFZW), one of the […]

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Israeli violations of Palestinian housing and land rights – November 2013

Only in November, Israeli govermental bodies, military and settlers together have been responsible for uprooting and destroying 786 olive trees, approving the establishment of 2680 settlement units and confiscating 5248 dunums. The political context in November was marked by the continuous – futile – negotiations between the Palestinian Authority and the Israeli Government, the volatility […]

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A Palestinian Christmas Story

The narrative structure and locations of the story of Christmas according to the Bible combined with present day scenarios and facts in Palestine.*   Joachim and Anne, Mary’s parents, lived in Nazareth, in Palestine. Their families had been there for generations, but in 1948, with the creation of the State of Israel, many of their […]

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PLO on Dutch company Vitens ending ties with Mekorot: “necessary and moral”

PLO Executive Committee member, Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, praised the recent announcement by Dutch water company, Vitens, to end its cooperation with Israel’s national water company, Mekorot, calling it a “necessary and moral decision”. Mekorot is responsible for a number of violations of international law within the occupied State of Palestine. This includes the pillage of […]