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Palestinian NGO statement on the World Bank-sponsored Red-Dead Sea Canal

  The undersigned Palestinian NGOs call on the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the Palestinian National Authority (PNA) to halt all forms of cooperation with the World Bank-sponsored Red Sea – Dead Sea Conveyance Project (RSDSCP) and to take an unequivocal public stance of rejection to the project. It has become clear beyond doubt that the project […]

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Draft legislation in Argentina to defend Palestinian human rights

Once again Argentina has voiced its allegiance to Palestine. Argentinian Congresswoman, Dr. Maria Elena Chieno, who heads the group of Argentinean MPs on Palestine and participated as one of the testimonies in the Ethical Tribunal on Palestine arranged in Argentina submitted a new draft legislation last September. The bill, which reflects Argentinas official stand towards […]

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Israeli forces demolish Khirbet Makhool village in Jordan Valley

1692013   Early Monday morning, Israeli occupation forces demolished all the homes of local villagers in the village of Khirbet Makhool, located in the northern part of the Jordan Valley.     Mr Daraghma, the Head of the Almaleh and coordinator for the Bedouin Council in the northern Jordan Valley, said ‘Israeli forces raided the village at dawn. They came with bulldozers […]

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Israeli Court hears landmark case on Absentees’ Property in Occupied East Jerusalem

On 10 September, the Israeli high court started hearings on if and how Israel’s discriminatory Absentees’ Property Law (1950) should be applied to Jerusalem properties of Palestinians residing in the occupied West Bank. For Palestinians, this case will be crucial for determining the usefulness of legal challenges of this law in Israeli courts. The Civic […]

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European Union must not bow to US pressure to disregard human rights

EU must resist US pressure and meet obligations under international law EU should take further steps to end complicity with Israeli apartheid, colonialism and occupation The Dutch government has demonstrated states can prevent business involvement in illegal Israeli projects in the occupied Palestinian territory Palestinian civil society strongly condemns US Secretary of State John Kerry […]