New StopCemex Infographic in English

. This downloadable infographic explains the deep complicity of Cemex in Israeli apartheid: it owns 4 production plants in Israel’s illegal settlements and provides construction material to the Wall, the settlements and military checkpoints.  Download the infographic here. Since 2005, CEMEX1 owns the Israeli Readymix Industries, a producer and supplier of raw materials for the […]

Join #WorldwithoutWalls Nov 9 2018

  The Global Day of InterAction for a #WorldwithoutWalls – November 9 – is getting close. In exactly one month, once again dozens of events and hundreds of contributions will mark this day to show that we are many and we are everywhere building a #WorldwithoutWalls! Here are updates about the mobilization and easy steps to […]

Call for the Global Day of InterAction for #WorldwithoutWalls – November 9 2018

We want to continue to bring together our struggles and experiences, challenge the policies that build the walls in front of our struggles for justice and end the architecture of impunity that shields corporations enabling, facilitating and profiting from the construction and growth of visible and invisible walls of injustice. FULL TEXT:  “From Israel’s apartheid […]

Factsheet: Stop Indo-Israeli military ties

India is since long the globe's largest importer of Israeli military technology. A newly updated report on Indo-Israeli growing military relations sheds light on the extent of relations between both states.  It analysis as well the various sectors of military and homeland security impacted by the deals as well as the more hidden realities of […]

How to join Nov9 – #WorldwithoutWalls

We are looking forward to your participation in the mobilization, your stories about your struggle against the walls of injustice and your activity on November 9 to build together a  #WorldwithoutWalls.   Here are some easy steps to join this amazing mobilization.    Endorse the call! You and your organisation want to join the mobilization […]