Bil’in –Spirit of Resistance Continues!

***image2***In Bil’in, west Ramallah district, incursions, arrest campaigns, and brutal collective punishment by the Occupation has not stopped villagers from continuing demonstrations and activities against the Apartheid Wall since 2003. On Friday the 11th, hundred of demonstrators from Bil’in marched to their lands isolated behind the Wall. Villagers raised banners and signs against the Apartheid […]

Occupation Forces destroy Palestinian house in Anata: Campaign Condemns Judaization of Jerusalem

The Occupation continued its targeted expulsion of Palestinians in Jerusalem by carrying out a house demolition on Monday the 7th of November. Dozens of Occupation Forces expelled the Bishara family from their home in Anata, before destroying the property under the pretext of it not having the correct “permit”. The demolished house belonged to the […]