Workers Change The World

Sireen Khudairi was stopped by Israeli soldiers on her way home from university. After four months she was released. There had been no trial. When she asked the interrogators what she was accused of, the answer was: «That you have to tell us».   A Norwegian solidarity worker with Stop the Wall meets her at […]

Congratulations to the Greek People

Occupied Palestine, January 25, 2015 To: Syriza and the Greek people As the Palestinian Land Defense Coalition, a network of local committees, farmers, workers, women and youth, we congratulate Syriza and the Greek people for the victory in today's elections. The people of Greece have achieved a victory for a political agenda of social justice, […]

Protest against Canadian Minister

On January 18th, 2015, Canada's Foreign Minister, John Baird, was the target of a lively protest during his visit to Ramallah, a Palestinian city located 10km away from Jerusalem. The demonstration gathered around two hundred people. The minister met with Riad Malki, the Palestinian Minister of Foreign Affairs, to discuss a possible return of the Palestinian […]

Palestinian Land; Transformed To Minefields

On January 2, Palestinian activists discovered the fields of Khirbet Twael where covered with different types of explosive devices. The discovery was made as they were implementing a land reclamation activity in the lands owned by many families from the villages of Aqraba and Khirbet Twael. They were planting olive trees to defend the lands from […]

The Resistance Continues

Along with the International Campaign to Stop the Jewish National Fund, Stop The Wall Campaign, the Palestinian Farmers’ Union, the Land Defense Coalition and the municipality of Aqraba organized a day of voluntary work to plant olive trees in Khirbet Twaiel, east of Aqraba in Nablus district. Khirbet Twaiel is targeted for destruction and evacuation […]

The ultimate suicide attack

The assassination of Ziad Abu Ein must trigger a new phase in the Palestinian political agenda that confronts the Israeli occupation and apartheid project head on.   The killing of a top Palestinian official by the Israeli army during an initiative to commemorate Human Rights Day on 10 December surprised everyone. This renewed demonstration of […]

The Violations In The West Bank

The Israeli occupation continued their crimes and violations of human rights on a daily bases against the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza.   The aggression of the occupation forces in Jerusalem continue: home demolitions, arbitrary arrests, police searches, the lock down of entire villages, daily invasions to the Al Aqsa mosque by settlers […]

Cutting Relations With Elbit

Palestinian organizations thank Rio Grande do Sul for cutting relations with Elbit.  In response to the landmark decision of the government of Rio Grande do Sul to announce the cancellation of the Memorandum of Understanding with Elbit Systems, Palestinian representatives handed over a letter welcoming the decision and thanking the government and civil society in […]