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Ni’lin village demands release of Mohammad Othman during Friday demonstration

***image1***As usual, the protest started after the prayer with more than 200 hundred farmers, Israeli and international peace activists from France, Sweden and England. Demonstrators were carrying Palestinian flags, calling for an end to the occupation and freedom for all Palestinian prisoners. Youth were also carrying pictures of Mohammad Othman and shouting for his release. […]

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Free Mohammad Othman Now!

On September 22, Mohammad Othman was arrested by soldiers on the Allenby Bridge Crossing, the border from Jordan to Palestine. He is now being held in Huwara prison as a prisoner of conscience, arrested solely for his human rights work. ***image2***Mohammad, 33 years old, has dedicated the last ten years of his life to the […]

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Spain excludes settlement university from academic competition

The “University Center of Ariel in Samaria” (AUCS) has been excluded from a prestigious university competition about sustainable architecture in Spain. With this move, Spain joins the growing number of European governments taking effective, even though preliminary, steps to uphold international law by boycotting or divesting from institutions and corporations involved in or profiting from […]

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Irish boycott Dead Sea products

As part of the international BDS campaign, the Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) launched an action against Dead Sea Products, an Israeli cosmetics firm which has a stall in Jervis Centre in Dublin, on Saturday (June 12). Activists from the IPSC wearing ‘Boycott Israel’ t-shirts surrounded the Dead Sea Products stall on the top floor […]

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TIAA divestment from Africa-Israel

An open letter was published by 59 clients of TIAA-CREF (Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association, College Retirement Equities Fund) calling for divestment from Lev Leviev’s Africa-Israel due to the company’s involvement in settlement construction. Following its publication, TIAA announced that it had already divested from Africa-Israel. The letter to TIAA-CREF was signed by historian Howard […]

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Two injured in Bi’lin weekly protest

The weekly demonstration went as normal this week in Bil’in, with Occupation forces firing on unarmed demonstrators as they approached their isolated lands. Two were injured and dozens more affected by tear gas during the action. Following Friday prayers, protestors marched through the streets, shouting slogans condemning the night raids and arrests, calling for the […]

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Brazilian Parliament calls for the freeze of the Israel-Mercosur Free Trade Agreement

The Brazilian Parliamentary Commission on Foreign Relations and National Defense has recommended that the parliament should not ratify the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) between Mercosur and the State of Israel until “Israel accepts the creation of the Palestinian state on the 1967 borders”. This decision is an explicit act of pressure on Israel to comply […]