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Join online InterAction for a #WorldwithoutWalls!

Please join us on November 9! Here are 3 InterActions to build momentum for a #WorldwithoutWalls on the Global Day of InterAction. ** Use the hashtags #WorldWithoutWalls and #MundoSinMuros ** 1. MAKE A #WorldWithoutWalls VISIBLE: Add the #WorldwithoutWalls logo on your Facebook profile picture by clicking here: Ask your friends to do the same […]

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UPDATED #WorldwithoutWalls under construction!

10 days to the Second Global Day of InterAction for a #WorldwithoutWalls! As the countdown starts and movements and organizations across the world are preparing to join in, Stop the Wall releases a first list of planned activities. It's an inspiring coming together of diverse actions united by the determination to build effective solidarity and […]

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Statement: #KhanalAhmar – one step towards survival as the struggle needs to escalate

Sunday October 21, the Israeli 'security' cabinet ratified the decision on a temporary freeze of the demolition of the Palestinian Bedouin community Khan al Ahmar, even if accompanied by further threats. The freeze is result of the popular steadfastness on the ground and ever growing global pressure. Israel's announcement has shown the impact we can […]

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More bulldozers at #KhanalAhmar

This morning bulldozers arrived again at Khan al Ahmar to pave the way to more roads to prepare for the demolition of the community. One person has been arrested, five injured. Brutal aggression was meted out against the people defending Khan al Ahmar, one of 46 Palestinian villages in the area that Israel wants to […]

Posted inArab al-JahalinArab al-JahalinArab al-JahalinArab al-Jahalin

Settler sewage infesting #KhanalAhmar

The river and lake that have since yesterday appeared in Khan al Ahmar are stinking sewage water from the illegal settlements. See photos of the environmental crime and the gross human rights violation and harrassment here. Since yesterday morning, settlers from the illegal settlements surrounding Khan al Ahmar have started diverting their sewage water to […]

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Khan al Ahmar at Day Zero

Since yesterday night, over 500 people are gathered at the village of Khan al Ahmar to support the community in the moment the Israeli deadline for demolition expired. Khan al Ahmar and the Palestinian people in solidarity are counting on international support. Three more tents had to be collectively erected to host the crowd that […]