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Palestinians in Hebron: Popular struggle is our path to liberation

On Friday, February 22, Palestinians organized a mass protest to remember the 25th anniversary of the Massacre of the Ibrahimi Mosque and to protest the ongoing segregation, repression and dispossession of the Palestinian population in Hebron at the hands of the Israeli military and the illegal settlers in the city. Hundreds of residents and citizens […]

Posted inFrom Palestine

Against normalization: Palestinian society protests Israel’s harshing prison regime

Beginning of the year, Israel's minister for 'strategic affairs' had called for the treatment Palestinian prisoners are suffering in Israeli jails to be even worsened. As raids inside the prisons are increasing, inmates are injured or even dying, Stop the Wall joins the Palestinian Higher Committee for Prisoners Affairs for regular protests in support of […]

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Olive trees to keep rooted in the land

On Thursday 24, the Palestinian Farmers Union and the Stop the Wall Campaign planted one thousand olive trees in Kardala, in the northern Jordan Valley. The aim of the tree planting initiative was to re-claim the land of the people of Kardala, which has been classified as a military zone. Kardala village has been classified […]

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2019: Palestinian grassroots struggle starts strong and has to grow stronger

This year started with continuous, popular protests across the West Bank and with actions of solidarity between the people to strengthen the steadfastness of those in the frontlines of the Israeli attacks. As Israel attempts to push forward its policies of expulsion and apartheid in the occupied West Bank, resistance continues and grows from community […]