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Over 400 in Norway Demonstrate to “Tear Down the Wall”

During the weekend of November 8th and 9th, The Norwegian People’s Aid & Association of Norwegian NGOs for Palestine mobilized in several cities throughout the country to mark and support Palestinian resistance to Israel’s Apartheid Wall. The Norwegian “Tear Down the Wall” campaign has championed the support of the church, the trade unions, numerous politicians […]

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New Yorkers Erect a “Separation Wall” in Midtown Manhattan to Protest Israel’s Apartheid Wall in Occupied Palestine

In solidarity with Palestinian mobilization on November 9, approximately 150 New Yorkers converged at Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan, carrying 3 sixty-yard mock “walls” to depict the 25-ft.-high wall enclosing the Palestinian people in the West Bank, Palestine. ***image2***The protesters marched down 42nd Street to Grand Central Station where they carried the wall inside to […]

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Protestors in Wroclaw, Poland Block Main Promenade for One Hour in Protest Against the Apartheid Wall

***image3***In a strong show of solidarity with Palestinians and demonstrators worldwide on November 9, demonstrators in Wroclaw, Poland blocked the city’s main promenade for an hour to highlight the atrocity which is Israel’s Apartheid Wall. About 50 people from a variety of Polish solidarity organizations, including Anti-War Coalition Wroclaw, Amnesty International, Polish Greens Party,, […]

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Bristol Demonstrators Tells Shoppers – Don’t Support Israel’s Apartheid Wall and Unjust Occupation

To mark their solidarity with Palestinian mobilization on November 9, members of the International Solidarity Movement in Bristol built a representation of the Apartheid Wall in Palestine out of cardboard boxes outside of the Marks and Spencer store at the Mall Bristol. The giant representation was designed to demand public recognition of the illegal and […]

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French Activists Demonstrate Against the Wall of Shame and Annexation

***image3***Saturday, November 8th, Solidarité Palestine, les Femmes en Noir (Women in Black) Americans Against the War and other French solidarity groups demonstrated in Paris and Caens to bring down the Israel’s illegal Apartheid Wall. Demonstrators rallied at the Fontaine des Innocents for 2 hours and passed out strong statements condemning Israeli and American policies of […]