#Save Humsa: The United Nations Have to Act!

Since 3 November 2020, Humsa al-Fawqa, a Palestinian community in the Jordan Valley, has been targeted, raided, and demolished six times by the Israeli occupying authorities. Tell the UN Human Rights Council session on March 18 to #SaveHumsa by signing our petition jointly initiated by Stop the Wall and Al-Haq. Humsa al-Fawqa is but one example of […]

Remaining steadfast against Israeli expulsion

Read the following article published on the Morning Star, People’s Daily on March 2nd by Manal Shqair of Stop the Wall and popular activist Mahmoud Soliman. The authors shine a light on Humsa, the semi-nomadic community in the northern Jordan Valley that is facing a fierce Israeli ethnic cleansing campaign. Shqair and Soliman discuss how […]

Stop the Wall Highlights 2020

Content Our top 10 highlights in less than a minute Stop the Wall on the ground Protesting ongoing annexation… Decolonizing our land Right to Exist Campaign ‘You Are not Alone’ Campaign Palestine Cop26 Coalition Israeli neoliberalism vs. Palestinian steadfastness Popular COVID-19 emergency Response We will never forget: Nakba Commemoration Palestine Youth Forum A message of […]

West Bank Annexation Is Well and Ongoing!

Since yesterday, January 26th, Israeli bulldozers have been demolishing Palestinians’ property in different parts of Area ‘C’. So far, Israel has reduced to rubble Palestinians’ property in the Jordan Valley, South Hebron Hills and Khan al Ahmar, east Jerusalem. Today, Bedouin communities in the South Hebron Hills woke up to the sound of Israeli bulldozers […]

“Popular struggle ousts 9 out of 13 new settler outposts”

Through popular struggle, Palestinians succeeded in dismantling nine out of thirteen illegal settler outposts constructed in the West Bank since the beginning of the year despite the crescendo of violence and de facto and looming de jure annexation measures held by Israeli apartheid regime on the ground. In Beita, al-Sawyya, Khallet Hassan, Beit Dajan, Deir Sharaf, Aseera Ashamaliyya, Halhoul, Turmusaya and Aseera al-Qiblya Palestinians’ demonstrations and popular actions continued for months until the settler outposts built in these towns were removed. Through these victories Palestinians assert that no imposed facts on the ground by Israeli apartheid would deter them from reclaiming and decolonizing their stolen land.

‘You Are not Alone’: Celebrating the harvest season despite Israeli repression

For seventeen years, we have been relentlessly supporting farmers in the frontline defending their lands from the aggression of settlers and Israeli soldiers through the ‘You Are not Alone’ Campaign. It is a campaign of collective voluntary work actions aimed at supporting Palestinian farmers during the olive harvest season.   Starting from October 9th until October […]