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Mohammad Othman has been released

Yesterday evening, following Jamal’s release, Mohammed Othman was also released after more than three months of imprisonment, isolation and interrogation. During his time in prison, and despite the hours of questioning and interrogation, no charges were ever pressed. Instead, threatened by the anti-Wall movement, Occupation authorities seemed to be determined to hold him without charge […]

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Jamal Juma’ has been released

Jamal Juma’, the coordinator of the Stop the Wall Campaign has been released yesterday evening after a month long detention in Israeli jails. He had been called for interrogation and then arrested on December 16. Yesterday, the military court decided for Jamal’s release. Like for the other Palestinian human rights defenders in Israeli jails, there […]

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Palestinian asks Quartet for human rights measures

Palestine, January 12 2010 From: Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign Palestinian NGO Network (PNGO) National and Islamic Forces To: Special Envoys and representatives to the Quartet Special Envoy Tony Blair (UK) Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon (UN) High Representative Catherine Ashton (EU) Spanish Foreign Minister Miguel Ángel Moratinos (Spain, EU Presidency) Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (US) […]

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Occupation forces raid al-Ma’sara

Upwards of hundred villagers, supported by international and Israeli activists, marched against the Wall in al-Ma’sara on Friday. Following threats to blacklist popular committee members, as well as the ratcheting up the arrests of anti-Wall activists, there have been fears that Occupation forces will target al-Ma’sara. This week, soldiers raided the village on Friday in […]

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An attack against all those standing up against the Wall and the Occupation

***image3***On Monday January 4, at a military hearing in Ramallah, an Israeli court extended the detention of human rights activist Jamal Juma’ for a further three days. Despite being held for 20 days, no charges have yet been brought against Jamal. A solidarity demonstration had been planned for Jamal’s hearing. In addition several consular representatives, […]

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Al-Ma’sara protests despite threats

***image1***Over 150 local activists protested Friday in al-Ma’sara and the neighbouring villages against the construction of the illegal Apartheid Wall and settlements on the lands of the nine intertwined villages to the south of Bethlehem. Protestors walked through the villages towards the construction site of the Wall, but as every Friday for the past few […]