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Joint Struggles against Militarization, from Latin America to Palestine

On Friday, July 27, in Rio de Janeiro, a full day of initiatives against militarism in Latin America is being organized under the title “United Struggles Against Militarization, from Latin America to Palestine”. The day starts with a Public Hearing, which will include four panels with interventions from human rights organizations, social and anti-militarist movements, […]

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A Watershed Moment in Palestinian History

Below, we republish an interview with Jamal Juma' on Mondoweiss. On June 4, Ida Audeh spoke to Jamal Juma’, coordinator of the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, about the popular resistance in Gaza, the Trump administration’s policy toward the question of Palestine, and Palestinian options to chart a new course. For weeks now, Palestinians everywhere […]

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Palestinians vs PA support to Israel’s siege on Gaza: amidst brutal repression, protests continue

Since June 8, in Palestine popular anger about the Palestinian Authority’s policies against the people in Gaza has transformed into vocal protests. People of all walks of life joined the protests driven by Palestinian youth. As on June 13 a second protest was held, the Palestinian Authority tried to drown the protests in brutal repression. […]