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Until July 17: build pressure to Save Khan al Ahmar!

On Monday, the Israeli High Court issued a decision to delay the demolition of Khan Al-Ahmar, the Palestinian Bedouin Community East of Jerusalem until July 17. Palestinian lawyers representing the residents of Khan al-Ahmar village in the West Bank filed a petition last week, claiming that no eviction orders had been given to the residents. […]

Posted inArab al-JahalinArab al-JahalinArab al-Jahalin

Act Now – It’s not too late: Save Khan el Ahmar!

Since yesterday, Israeli bulldozers and some 300 Israeli military and intelligence officers have started the full scale onslaught to destroy the Bedouin community of Khan el Ahmar. People are still resisting and need your support!  Jamal Juma’ coordinator of the Stop the Wall Campaign, comments:  “The Bedouin community of Khan al Ahmar is the symbol […]

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A Watershed Moment in Palestinian History

Below, we republish an interview with Jamal Juma' on Mondoweiss. On June 4, Ida Audeh spoke to Jamal Juma’, coordinator of the Palestinian Grassroots Anti-Apartheid Wall Campaign, about the popular resistance in Gaza, the Trump administration’s policy toward the question of Palestine, and Palestinian options to chart a new course. For weeks now, Palestinians everywhere […]

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Tulkarem calls for an End to PA Sanctions on Gaza

On Wednesday, June 27, youth movements and other popular forces have joined in a protest in Tulkarem to reiterate the call of the Palestinian people on the Palestinian Authority to lift the sanctions from Gaza. See the video here.  Since weeks, Palestinians from all walks of life throughout the West Bank are staging protests to […]

Posted inFrom PalestineFrom PalestineFrom PalestineFrom Palestine

Palestinians vs PA support to Israel’s siege on Gaza: amidst brutal repression, protests continue

Since June 8, in Palestine popular anger about the Palestinian Authority’s policies against the people in Gaza has transformed into vocal protests. People of all walks of life joined the protests driven by Palestinian youth. As on June 13 a second protest was held, the Palestinian Authority tried to drown the protests in brutal repression. […]

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Ramallah stands up in a night of unity and solidarity

It has been far too long that Ramallah hadn’t seen a protest of such dimension and intensity. After the daily breaking of the fast during Ramadan, over 2000 people filled the streets of the city. It wasn’t a joyful family gathering but an angry protest in solidarity with Gaza. Asserting their commitment to the unity […]