Israel seeks full sovereignty over al-Aqsa

Press TV has conducted an interview with Jamal Joumah, head of the "Stop the Wall" Campaign in Ramallah, to discuss the recent clashes between Israeli forces and Palestinians at al-Aqsa Mosque compound in East al-Quds (Jerusalem). Click on the link below to view the video and the transcription of the interview:–alAqsa-Netanyahu-Jerusalem-Muslims

From Diversity to Racial Segregation and Domination: Palestinians in Jerusalem (1948 – present)

Commemorating the Palestinian Nakba at 66, we are sharing — attached —  the Fact Sheet entitled:   From Diversity to Racial Segregation and Domination:  Palestinians in Jerusalem (1948 – present) (Civic Coalition for Palestinian Rights in Jerusalem, 15 May 2014)   This fact sheet revisits the experience of Palestinians in Jerusalem (West and East) since […]

Once again: Israeli forces attack Palestinians at al Aqsa mosque

This week, once again, Occupation forces invaded Jerusalem's Aqsa mosque compound after weekly prayers Friday, attacking worshipers with stun grenades and tear gas. Several Palestinians have been arrested.  Palestinians within the Aqsa compound were staging a protest against illegal Jewish settlers who invaded the compound under heavy police protection earlier this week.  Israeli authorities and […]